The use of our logo is standardized: please get in touch with our team if you have questions or need approval for documents that use the following logos.
If you are having issues downloading the versions of our logos or if the files you need are not available on this page, contact us for support.
CMYK : 100-0-0-0
RGB : 0-174-239
Pantone cyan
CMYK : 0-100-0-0
RGB : 236-0-140
Pantone magenta
CMYK : 0-0-100-0
RGB : 255-242-0
Pantone yellow
CMYK : 0-0-0-100
RGB : 0-0-0
Pantone black
CMYK : 100-100-0-0
RGB : 46-49-146
CMYK : 0-100-100-0
RGB : 237-28-36
CMYK : 0-0-100-100
RGB : 24-26-0
To download this image in colour, black and white, or inverted colours, select the type of file you want.
If you are having issues downloading the versions of our logos or if the files you need are not available on this page, contact us for support.
IMS reserves the right to remove or modify its authorization to display the logo. Furthermore, it can ask any party that has already been authorized to display the logo to modify or stop using its logo.