The festivities are just around the corner! The employees and directors at IMS would like to wish you Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year. For this new year of 2013, IMS is determined to make the best of its 54th year of existence by continuing to offer you the best in product identification services.

Please note that from December 24th until January 2nd inclusive, we will unplug our presses and printers and take some well-deserved time off. We will return on January 3rd, refreshed and ready for action.

The year 2012 has seen many new products added to IMS catalog and 2013 promises to be just as much fruitful. Among others, our website has many surprises in store for you, including an e-commerce platform and new information-packed content that we are currently refining: a new section dedicated to industries, buyer’s guide, white papers…too many to name them all.

Finally, on behalf of the entire IMS team, I want to thank you, dear customers, friends, employees and family. You are all part of our success and we hope to see you grow with us in the years to come. Happy holidays!