Colour and branding, Communications, Sustainable development

There is a consumer profile in the food industry called “e-Vangelists”. They are described as passionate and caring about what they eat. They are also very vocal online about what they like or not about products they buy, sharing their dissatisfaction towards major food manufacturers and getting the word around through social media to other consumers. They are also promoters of local businesses and organic products.

There a real opportunity here for food manufacturers. As the fourth edition of the international Food 2020 study by Ketchum indicates, this very active segment is a great source of feedback and worth engaging with in a genuine manner.

To put it bluntly, they have the potential to leverage your brand in a significant way.

The study reveals that this group is shaping the conversation about foods and brands online and offline. They take the time to comment posts and write recommendations about products. They also expect being able to have a conversation with product makers.

This is an opportunity for food makers to seize. If you’re an independent, local and/or organic food product maker, you’re even more in their target!

It’s a golden opportunity to listen online, have meaningful conversations, take suggestions and inform those influencers about your progress, inform them of innovations you are adding to your products and its packaging. Yes packaging. It’s an intimate part of the whole product experience.

Packaging wise, many new and greener packaging options such as sustainable packaging, biodegradable polymers for flexible packaging, sugar cane based packaging, PET bottle made from plants are available to make e-Vangelists “like” you.

Consumers are asking more from food manufacturers. They take upon themselves to learn about the issues regarding what they eat and its impact in their world. They also share their findings. So get in the game and listen, have genuine conversations. Get feedback. Provide better products and greener packaging. They will spread the word for you. So get innovative and give consumers products and packaging to rave about!