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Did you know than this week, May 16-22nd 2016, is American Craft Beer Week?

In the spirit of this festive week, here is a showcase of original sleeves we produce for one of our clients in British-Columbia, not far from our south of the border friends.

Moon Under Water located on Bay Street in Victoria, is an artsy brew pub which produces beer inspired by European brewing tradition. Their love and passion for beer leads the way to original and creative products offered in stylish pieces of art in aluminum cans sleeved with shared same love and passion.

Up to the moon



Light Side of the Moon is an unfiltered craft lager brewed with rice malts and sweet orange peel for a dry, refreshing finish. Welcome to the light side of craft beer.







More recently, they introduced an “oatmeal session stout” named “Dark Side of the Moon”






Notice the use of the full real estate of the sleeve for the art. Subtle lines were not an obstacle to be printed right. The shape sleeved well to the can.


Back to earth


Back on Earth, meet “Creepy uncle Dunkel”. This beer is dark and complex, the most misunderstood of all lagers.

Moon Under Water described it as follows: “Dark Munich malts and a little roasted wheat give this brew a rich, vanilla, and nutty-sweet palate with a dry, rounded finish. Unfiltered as always. Maybe it’s the long decoction mashes or the 5 week lagering time spent alone in the cold… or maybe he’s just a complicated dude?”



“This ain’t your father’s pilsner”



Potts Pills is “Brewed in the style of the great North German Pilsners. Saaz hops shine through Bohemian malts to produce a crisp, dry-hopped, and citrusy beer. Unfiltered, Decoction Mashed, Dry-Hopped, and lagered for 5 weeks. This ain’t your father’s pilsner.”

You’ve been warned, this brew is presented through another forest worker looking forward to a cool refreshment after a hard day’s work. Art style is graphic and recognizable using all the surface of this shrink sleeve for a slick and refreshing product.

Get to discover your local brew

For you out there in British-Columbia, Washington state and surrounding, we hope you will go out and have a beer at Moon Under Water in your next trip down to Victoria. Enjoy their product and take home a couple of cans with our sleeves on them.

Don’t forget to also visit other brew pubs this week to celebrate craft beer innovation, responsibly.

Oh, and share with us your discoveries for us to Tweet and ReTweet at @IMS_Labeling
