Please note that the project “Star Employee” will be on hold this summer. With all the vacations, holidays and activities planned during the summer months, it can be complicated to coordinate all the steps necessary for creating and writing these articles, which require more time and effort than our standard blog posts.
When the time comes to put a profession and an employee in the spotlight, we have to make a choice: determine what aspect of our company we would like to promote and who would be the designated person to do the job. After choosing our profession-employee combo, there needs to be an interview.
Star employee: a project in several steps
It’s important to get a “feeling” for the employee so as to properly promote him or her. The experience and the notoriety of a company like IMS go through each member of the personnel and promote the members, which also adds value to their professions as well as the skills and qualities that they require. The next step consists in researching possible advances within the profession and possibilities to explore for those looking to enter the profession. When this is all done, picture-taking constitutes the final step, and then voilà!
Flexographic printing, production of sleeve labels, printer maintenance, estimating, invoicing, etc….the possibilities are endless. To date, four employees have accepted to present their profession and others will follow this autumn.
No vacation for our blog!
Until then, our blog won’t take a break. We’ll keep serving you informative and entertaining blog posts that are related to this industry that has fascinated us for over 50 years: product identification.